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Joanne Viola



Thank you for stopping by my website.  I write about life and the way God weaves His hand through our day to day activities.  I hope my writing causes you to think about God’s hand in your life and helps to deepen your faith. 

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Every Friday I join a community of bloggers for Five Minute Friday. One word prompt, five minutes. Unedited. The prompt this week is … Two. The word prompt causes my thoughts to remember Sunday School flannelgraph images of the animals walking two by two into the ark....

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Unity, Blessing & Life

Unity, Blessing & Life {{Let’s Have Coffee}}

As I listen to those around me worry and debate about the election and world events, I find the only way to settle my soul is by reminding myself it is God alone who is in control of all things. These matters are beyond my understanding and control. Quieting myself...

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Praise: He Deserves It All

Praise: He Deserves It All

Every night before heading to bed, I pretty much have the same routine. Shut windows, make sure the coffee pot is set to automatic timer, turn off the lights, and plug in my phone. As I headed to bed, I reflected how my morning and nighttime routines are pretty...

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